Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to nurture relationships without being a pest

How to nurture relationships without being a pest Check out this post and video from Jill Konrath: How to Nurture Prospects Without Being a Pest She is spot on. Jill is a sales expert, training sales professionals. You need to learn from her because as CEO of Me, Inc, you are also Chief of Sales. If salespeople say it often takes between 10-12 emails or phone calls before you actually connect, and I say you need to put your brand in front of someone seven times before you have brand recognition with them, you should be getting a message loud and clear: Networking is not a one-contact event.  It is something that happens over time, with continual communication. Whether you need to communicate ten times or seven times is not point the point is that you need to do it regularly. NURTURE! Check out Jills post and video.  Heres the key to her post: The key is to be a ______ ________.  read the entire post here. If you are not using JibberJobber, or some other relationship management tool, how in the world are you going to try to keep track of how many contact points youve had with your prospects and contacts?  IT IS TIME! How to nurture relationships without being a pest Check out this post and video from Jill Konrath: How to Nurture Prospects Without Being a Pest She is spot on. Jill is a sales expert, training sales professionals. You need to learn from her because as CEO of Me, Inc, you are also Chief of Sales. If salespeople say it often takes between 10-12 emails or phone calls before you actually connect, and I say you need to put your brand in front of someone seven times before you have brand recognition with them, you should be getting a message loud and clear: Networking is not a one-contact event.  It is something that happens over time, with continual communication. Whether you need to communicate ten times or seven times is not point the point is that you need to do it regularly. NURTURE! Check out Jills post and video.  Heres the key to her post: The key is to be a ______ ________.  read the entire post here. If you are not using JibberJobber, or some other relationship management tool, how in the world are you going to try to keep track of how many contact points youve had with your prospects and contacts?  IT IS TIME!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Brand Yourself Outside of Your Career - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

How to Brand Yourself Outside of Your Career - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career We know your personal brand is all about how other people see you. It’s how we market ourselves to others. Usually, when we think about our personal brand, we tend to focus on the professional aspects to further our careers. But what we do in the workplace is not the only thing that impacts our brand. Your brand also reflects the things you do outside the professional world. It’s time to put the personal back in personal branding. Here’s what you should be doing outside the workplace to build your brand: Do what you love Your brand is the culmination of who you are, what you want to do in life, while focusing on your strengths, passions, and goals. One of the key pieces that seems to get lost in a career-focused brand is your passions. Beyond the workplace, what do you love to do? What are your hobbies? Traveling, volunteering, family, sports, music, art, social issues, food the list is endless. All your passions have the possibility to shape your brand. Make it your mission to spend more time focusing on your passions. Share what you love Once you start spending time on your passions, it’s your job to make them part of your personal brand. The only way people will begin to associate you with your volunteer work or your interest in music is if you talk about it. Integrate what you love into your blog and social media. Whenever you write a personal bio, don’t just mention your career, mention your passion as well. When people understand your passions, you will be a more interesting person. Eventually, when people hear your name, they won’t just say, “Oh, that’s the person from human resources.” They’ll remember, “Right! That’s the person from human resources who loves Europe.” Reach your goals With a more defined personal brand, you’ll have more opportunities in your career. You can use it to connect with potential employers, coworkers, and clients who have similar passions. Incorporating your interests into your brand will help you build credibility and advance your career. This type of personal branding can make you seem more human and employers will be able to see if youre the right fit for their culture. By making your passions part of your personal brand, you can open doors to career paths that incorporate what you love. One of the best ways to be happy in life is to do what you love for a living. Aligning your brand to reflect that is the first step. Your brand should be a picture of your whole self, not just what you do for a living. Add a little passion to your life and to your brand. It will make your job more fun, plus you’ll seem much more genuine. A brand built on passion will help get the right people to notice you. How do you incorporate your passions into your personal brand? Author: Heather R. Huhman  is a career expert, experienced hiring manager, and founder president of  Come Recommended, a content marketing and digital PR consultancy for job search and human resources technologies. She is also the instructor of  Find Me A Job: How To Score A Job Before Your Friends, author of  Lies, Damned Lies Internships  (2011) and  #ENTRYLEVELtweet: Taking Your Career from Classroom to Cubicle  (2010), and writes career and recruiting advice for  numerous outlets.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to be an effective career planner my 7 top tips

How to be an effective career planner â€" my 7 top tips It is Autumn and that means falling temperatures, leaves falling off trees, the start of a new academic year and the start of another recruitment cycle. It is the time of careers fairs, workshops and presentations and you are probably thinking you should be doing something. Well, are you ready? Are your career plans in place? Planning your career will help you focus on what you want to apply for so take some time and get it right for you. What do we even mean by career planning? It is about taking the time to reflect on yourself, the sector you are interested in and how you can get experience and develop your skill sets to land that role. Often we change our mind about things and we need to be adaptable throughout our career. Consider your time-frame   Are you a first year? Where would you like to be in three years? Second Year? What have you enjoyed most about your degree? What volunteering have you been involved in? What clubs and societies have you joined and what did you do? Are you thinking of applying for the Exec of your society? Final year? What is your project focusing on? What work experience have you had? What skills did it develop? What did you learn about yourself and the industry you did it in? Are you a Master’s student? Then you will be balancing a heavy timetable with the big graduate recruiter’s deadlines. So you may need to prioritise. For some people they have no idea at all what they can do career-wise. Often a careers consultation will begin with a list of the jobs that people don’t want to do. That’s great, as knowing what you don’t want to do is good. We might ask you why you don’t want these jobs, not to convince you to change your mind but to work through your thinking and motivation. And so to the Top Tips 1) There are different approaches to successful career planning Everyone wants to do things differently. Often we see students who are panicked into career planning as they watch their friends going to interview after interview when they haven’t so much as completed an application form. Some people will know exactly what they want to do and have picked their degree specifically to achieve this. Others pick their degree because they enjoy their subject. For some of us it can be hard to unpick the things we have gained from our degree and therefore we struggle to know where it can take us. What suits one person won’t suit another so find out 2) A degree is a starting point, not your final destination. If you study politics, for example, it doesn’t mean the only options open to you are in politics. You develop transferable skills from your degree, of value in any sector. Check out  What can I do with my degree? as well as an on-line quiz to help you find that ‘perfect’ career. 3) Understand how your values influence your career choices Your values are who you are. Spend time thinking about what is important to you. If you are someone who wants to make a difference you need to consider how you are going to achieve this. Do you want a job that changes lives? Helps people to make the most of their skills and abilities? Or maybe you want to influence policy and policy makers. 4) Can you provide evidence of your skills? Try to move on from just listing the skills you think you have, consider instead what your experiences have taught you. Take time to reflect on the skills you have and where your gaps maybe. Our Moodle  course contains a skills audit that you can download to spend time reflecting on 5) What are your expectations? How do they fit with the sector you are entering? If you are applying for a job do you know the salaries offered in the sector? Why are you selecting certain companies? Commercial awareness   is a key skill to develop throughout your career. 6) Self and occupational awareness   Develop an understanding of both yourself and the sector you want to go into. Are you a good fit? What companies share your values? What do you really know about the sector(s) of interest to you? You may need to research smaller companies that do not attend university careers fairs. 7) How and when will you start on implementing your career plan? You need to be aware of the deadlines for the schemes you are interested in and think about your back-up options. Balancing study and application deadlines means you need a realistic and achievable plan. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and remember you have you have access to My Advantage for careers advice and information.  Don’t be frightened to ask questions and you don’t have to know what it is that you want to do to talk to us. If you are final year student or even a graduate and still have no idea don’t worry. Come along and talk to a member of the  careers service ,thats what we are here for. Good Luck!

Monday, May 18, 2020

5 Steps to Create a Business Plan - Classy Career Girl

5 Steps to Create a Business Plan You can control your destiny. You can have freedom in your schedule. You can have more time to spend with your family. You can get your new business off the ground and ditch your corporate job. You can create a business plan very easily and get started today. It’s not as hard as you think when you have a system and a plan. When you are strategic and actually know what 2016 looks like. Dont just try a million things at once. If you can learn from someone else who has already done it, then you can learn the mistakes that you don’t want to make and it will speed up your journey to a freedom business. Note: Make sure you download our free 1-page business plan template to make a plan to increase your sales in just 30 minutes. Here are 5 steps to create your business plan for your dream business: Step 1: Plan Your Purpose The first step is to uncover what the purpose for your new business is and how it matches your own personal purpose. We want to make sure your business is something you love and are passionate about and isn’t something that will be just another “job” later. Here is where you ask yourself some questions. -What motivates you to start your own business? -What problems have you solved that you now want to help others solve? -What impact do you want to make in the marketplace? -What have you figured out that you want others to know? -What is your business and personal mission? It’s really important you know this because you want to bring your purpose into your branding and you want to be 100% yourself in everything you do in your business. It’s so important to be your authentic self and discover your own voice. Step 2: Plan Your People Plan This step in your business plan is all about uncovering the right people you need to have on your team and in your support community.  If you have one takeaway from this article, it’s to find someone who supports you in your dreams and goals. You need the right support community AND you need the right team of people around you to help you succeed. Also, included in this step is taking care of you. You, Ms. CEO, need some fabulous self-care so this step is all about making sure you are taking care of yourself. This step is also where we dive into who your ideal client is and really uncover and understand who how you can serve them better. Step 3: Plan Your Product Plan This is where you determine what you are going to sell, what the market wants and how you can package up your service or program or product so that your ideal clients want and need it. This is where you put together your launch strategy. You figure out how to create your offer and what you should offer and basically put all of your knowledge into your program or service. For some people this is really hard which is why you need a system to  get all of your knowledge into a program to create it. This is where your passions come into play because you want to create a service or product you love. It’s so much easier to sell when you are passionate about something and you are helping people with that passion.  You would be surprised with all of the knowledge and experience you have in your brain right now! Other people want to know it! There are a couple of  options to create your profitable service or product. You can put it on a membership site into a course. It can be delivered as a webinar or training call. You can also create a digital guide or workbook. Don’t worry if that overwhelms you. There are ways to do this really simply so you don’t have to learn a bunch of different things. Obviously a great way to start your business is a one-on-one business model. You can get a client tomorrow doing this if you really want to. You don’t need a website or even Facebook. You just need a conversation with someone who needs help with what you have to offer. It’s as simple as that. Of course there’s also ebooks, and physical products, etc. But the most important thing when you are starting is to simplify. Ask yourself, What’s the fastest route to cash? Don’t overcomplicate this. Step 4: Plan Your Promotion Plan The fourth step is a big one and actually where you will spend most of your time. It’s all about promotion when you are building your business plan.  This can be overwhelming. You don’t have to do everything or be everywhere but just need a solid authentic sharing plan (which is what I call it) just for you.  You have to focus in on the promotional tasks that will increase your profits and focus as much time on those revenue generating tasks. Then you have to spend less time on those tasks that aren’t bringing revenue in. Most of you have very little time working a day job and growing your business, so you want to make sure you focus only on revenue generating ideas. Most of the time these activities are sales conversations and actually selling your products or working on creating products that will bring you money in the future. Then, it’s all about creating your sales funnel so prospects are automatically coming to you without you having to go to every random networking event in your city. There are so many ways to do this these days to have people coming automatically to you. It’s very easy now to set up your automatic sales funnel. So, how will people find out about your business? You need to get prospects, turn them into leads and then turn them into your customer. This is called a sales funnel. [RELATED: Affirmations to Repeat Daily For Entrepreneurs] Step 5: Plan Your Profit This step could make all the difference for you.  You cannot be afraid to talk about and look at the money DAILY. This is  important when creating your business plan because it means the difference between you submitting your resignation letter or not. The numbers have to be there. The sales have to be there. There’s a couple of systems you can put into place so you KNOW that when you make the leap, the cash will be there. There’s no reason to be scared! When you make the leap, you must know  how many clients you need and how many people you need  to talk to and how many people needed to see my promotions. It’s just a numbers game and not a complicated scary thing! So when you make your profit plan, you know how many services or programs you need to sell per week and per month to meet your budget and expenses.  Then, just simply ask yourself what are the marketing activities that factor getting in that many people. If you enroll 25% of your strategy sessions into coaching, then how many potential clients do you need to talk to? How many people need to come through your videos or sales funnel for you to convert what you need? How many people need to walk through the doors of your store? It’s a numbers game and once you know what you need, it’s easy! Track your money because what you track increases. This step is also a lot about money mindset because when you go from employee to entrepreneur, everything changes! There are so many self-worth issues that come up and am I worth charging that much. You are worth living the life of your dreams. Spending your days with your family. Having a ton of fun. Being challenged and fulfilled. Making a big difference with your strengths and living a life of purpose. Living your calling and what you are born to do. Lets do this! P.S. Make sure you download our free 1-page business plan template to make a plan to increase your sales in just 30 minutes.

Friday, May 15, 2020

What To Look For In A Top Executive Resume Writing Service

What To Look For In A Top Executive Resume Writing ServiceWhen you need to build your CV, you can benefit from a top executive resume writing service. These services can be used to build your CV to the point where it is effective and impressive enough to get you the job of your dreams. A service can also be used to remove any information that does not suit the information they are trying to convey to the employers you are seeking.The first step in building your CV is determining which type of service you need. If you are just looking for an executive resume writing service to assist you in this endeavor, there are a number of online services available that can help you create a good CV. These include CV-builder, Tutor CV and The CV Line. These online services have both paid and free options, and the paid services may have more features, but the free options are the best for initial, simple CV creation.Once you know what types of CV you want, you can move onto the next step in CV crea tion. Once you have a resume you want to send out, it is time to gather your skills and experience in order to fill out the CV effectively. To start with, you should set up an online profile with social networking sites and LinkedIn that will give employers a summary of your work experience.It will include links to your jobs and your achievements. Another idea is to start a blog that will list all of your projects, publications and other work related activities. This is also an excellent way to share ideas with other people, whether you are looking for job opportunities or learning how to write a resume for your current job. You should then gather links to your websites and blogs from the CV-builder service.Once you have these two things created, you should go back and include them in your resume. One of the best things about hiring a resume writing service is that they will take this information and use it to show how well you have prepared and polished your CV. As well as creating your CV, these services can also apply for jobs you apply for, write a cover letter for you and do a lot more for you.It is important to consider that some of these services charge a certain amount of money in order to help you out. In some cases, this will depend on the number of CV that you want to make and the amount of interaction with the company or agency that you are using. So, be sure to look at each CV-writing service to see if they charge a certain amount or how they choose their CV samples.It is also a good idea to see what different types of CV-writing services they offer. Some will allow you to create your CV online and others will have you send them a file or letter that will then be sent to the company who needs to know you. Many of these services will also charge you a fee per CV you send out, so be sure to make sure this is the case before deciding on a company.When you need to craft a CV, a top executive resume writing service can help you be sure that your CV is the best that it can be. This includes their idea in creating a good CV, the number of CV they make and the strategies they use to appeal to potential employers. Most importantly, when hiring a resume writing service, you want to be sure that they are the best in the business, which means you should make sure they are the best service for your CV.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

In the (international) news again - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

In the (international) news again - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog I was interviewed for this great article in Swedish business magazine Veckans Af?rer:?Lyckliga f?retag ?r framg?ngsrika f?retag. Im in this Slovakian article on teambuilding:?Negat?vne aspekty t?mbildingu. T?mbilding nem? by? kr?mov? z?bava. And Im also in this Taiwanese article on dealing with negative coworkers: ??????????????????8??????????. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Friday, May 8, 2020

A Note to Recruiters Hiring Managers What Ever Happened to Professional Courtesy in Job Search - CareerAlley

A Note to Recruiters Hiring Managers What Ever Happened to Professional Courtesy in Job Search - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. I believe in integrity. Dogs have it. Humans are sometimes lacking it. Cesar Millan While the vast majority of the posts on CareerAlley are aimed at job searchers, todays post is primarily slanted to the hiring process (HR Recruiters, Hiring Managers and Executive Recruiters) although the topic will be of interest to all. I speak with (or exchange emails with) lots of people who are in various stages of the hunt. One alarming trend that has come up over the last year or so is the (seemingly) growing lack of professional courtesy provided by some recruiters, HR managers and hiring managers. Like everything in life, the few sometimes spoil it for the many. We all understand that the volume of resumes and applications submitted for each open position has skyrocketed over the last few years and no one should expect a thanks but no thanks for applications submitted, but I do have a different view regarding job search interview etiquette. Two scenarios: Company A calls you and sets-up a telephone interview with their HR generalist (lets call her Denise). You spend 45 minutes on the phone with Denise, going over your skills, background and why you think you are a great fit for this opportunity. At the end of the interview, Denise says Thanks for your time. We are in the middle of our interview process and will get back to you if we would like to pursue this further. That is a perfect response. It leaves the door open for additional interviews but also lets you know that you may not be hearing from them again. Of course what you do (or dont do) after your interview in terms of your thank you note could have an impact on next steps (but thank you letters is a topic for another day). Company B calls your recruiter to set-up an in-person interview with their HR specialist (lets call him Kirk). You spend an hour with Kirk, going over your skills, background, answering lots of tough questions about your qualifications and why you think you are a great fit for this opportunity. At the end of the interview, Kirk says Thanks for your time. I think you are an excellent fit for this role. Assuming you are interested, I will be bringing you back to interview with the hiring manager, Mr. Cool as well as our head of operations. This is a great response if you are the candidate. Youve obviously aced the interview and have made it into the next round of interviews. You send a fabulous thank you note and wait a week or so to hear back. No one calls, so you call your recruiter (who is not available so you leave a message). Another week goes by and youve heard nothing. You follow-up with an email to the recruiter but still do not hear back. Several weeks later you realize that y ou will not be getting a call back for the next round of interviews. Now many things could have happened after you interviewed. Maybe the job was put on hold, the job requirements changed or perhaps the company decided to promote someone internally. I would like to think we are all adults, we know we wont get an offer for many of the jobs we interview for. But there is a huge difference between a non-committal response to your interview and an explicit call back. Whatever the answer, my view is that out of common professional courtesy, someone should call or email candidates to let them know the outcome of a proposed call back that never materializes. Links to several articles follow for your review. Recruiters Need to Follow Through Avoid the Angry Email: Why Recruiters Need to Set Expectations with Hiring Managers How Long After an Interview Should You Hear Back or follow up with a call? Why Wont Anyone Call Back After an Interview!?! The Right Way to Follow-up after an Interview Good luck in your search. What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to identify and land your dream job. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It’s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search